Dear Patients

There has been widespread pneumonia in Japan and overseas recently.

It is important to wear masks and wash your hands frequently to protect yourselves from being infected. However above all, it is most important for you to acquire strong physical strength (self-defence power), i.e. keeping your immunity strong.

Please take note of the following points:
1. Get enough sleep. Take at least 7 hours of sleep between 9pm and 8pm.
2. Attach heat pad to your feet, waist and back (on top of your clothing) during the day.
3. Take warm tea/water.
4. Take sufficient amount of glutamine*, zinc, beta-glucan, soy protein and Vitamin C. (Glutamine (tablets) – 2 sachets, 3 times a day).
5. Perform reducing electron treatment (Monopole) using Mi Energy at least 4 times a day, 20 to 30 minutes per session, with at least 60 minutes’ gap between treatments.
6. If you have an ion generator**, please operate it throughout the day. However, check the ion counts with the ion meter to ensure that it is working well.


reltec air ionizer

**Negative ion generator (IG-E1J) can help to prevent against infection as negative ions in the air will attach to the fine airborne particles (including viruses), causing them to fall and thereby reduce the chance of being inhaled into our respiratory organs.