A baby room is where your precious little one, your heaven-sent angel, dwells for comfortable, sound sleep. And to make the room baby-friendlier, you see to it that everything that your baby needs is in place, including a nice air con and an air filter. But despite your great efforts to make your baby feeling comfortable, there can be certain things that you may not have been paying attention to lately, including the quality of air your baby is breathing, not mentioning that the room’s air may also be a holding place or host to impurities, allergens and airborne particles. These and other air contaminants cannot be gotten rid of by some air filters alone, but by something that works more than air cleaning or device.
RELTEC air ionizer, that works in a wonderful way…
RELTEC Air Ionizer for Baby’s Room
The air ionizer, IG-E1J, works as not only an air filter, but it also functions to increase the air’s level of negative ions for the baby room.
With it, you will witness less irritability from your little one, promoting his or her sound sleep at night. It is because this product increases the happy hormones in your baby’s system and it promotes improved sleep. It also helps keep your baby healthy because it alleviates the symptoms of allergies and prevents him from catching the cold virus.
Benefits of Negative Ions Improve Asthma and Other Respiratory Conditions
There is nothing subjective about a bawling baby” Brazilian hospitals used negative ion generators to treat breathing problems, after a test involving 36 children with asthmatic allergies. In each case, the problem was consistent or crippling. During the treatment, only one of them suffered an asthma attack. Afterward, no attacks were suffered by any of the children that sustained regular negative ion therapy (Soyka, 1991).
In 1966, a hospital in Jerusalem conducted a study involving 38 babies, between the ages of two and twelve months, with about the same degree of respiratory problems. The babies were separated into two groups of nineteen. One group was treated with nothing but a
negative ion electronic air cleaner, while the second group was administered the standard treatment, which included drugs and antibiotics with side effects. The babies in the group treated with the negative ion air purifier improved asthma and bronchitis much more quickly than those in the control group. The babies in the negative ion group were also found to be less prone to rebound attacks.
Less scientifically, doctors found that the babies treated by negative ion-enriched air didn’t cry as often or as loudly. But as Fred Soyka, the author of The Ion Effect puts it, “there is nothing subjective about a bawling baby” (Soyka, 1991).