Dear Patients There has been widespread pneumonia in Japan and overseas recently. It is important to wear masks and wash your hands frequently to protect yourselves from being infected. However above all, it is most important for you to acquire
Negative Ions For Health
The quality of the air we breathe, and what we can’t see in it (both good and bad), is paramount in the maintenance of our health. Many times it is what you can’t see that creates the problems for us…
Air Ionisers Wipe Out Hospital Infections
Repeated airborne infections of the bacteria acinetobacter in an intensive care ward have been eliminated by the installation of a negative air ioniser. In the first such spidemiological study,researchers found that the infection rate fell to zero during the year
Coronavirus: Ionisers May Be Key In Fight To Defeat Covid-19
The technology has been in use for more than a century, but now a Scots health campaigner has said urgent research is needed into the use of ionizers, which could be key to helping alleviate the current Covid-19 pandemic. And
Hospitals To Get Negative Ion Generators To Fight Covid-19
PUNE: The negative ion generator developed by an incubatee firm at the Science and Technology Park in Savitribai Phule Pune University will soon be installed at various hospitals across the state to control viral, bacterial and fungal infections. The Science
Silent Killers In Your House
Some scary statistics has been published regarding the indoor pollution. Here are some of the facts. Indoor air can be 2 to 5 times more polluted than the air outside your house. Thousands cases of cancer are caused by exposure
Which Is Which? Negative Ionisers or Air Filters
Improving air quality is no longer only a strange thing to hear from parents, hospital administrators, school owners, computer users and office workers, but a necessity for many. Today, there are different products that promise or claim to improve indoor
Wonderful Health Benefits of Negative Ions That Will Startle You
In contrary to its name, positive ions bring a host of negative effects to human health. For many years, there have been thousands of scientific studies and journals published to highlight the ill effects of positive ions to humans. One
How to Improve Home Air Quality
Don’t ever think that you’re safe just because you’re home, your dwelling place. It is a place of refuge after a hard day of work and a shelter to keep you safe from rain, snow and harsh weather outside. A
Reduce Employee Sick Days & Improve Office Productivity With Negative Ions
Bad indoor air quality (IAQ) in the office makes employees poor at work. The office is always a busy place; it is a given. But having said that does not mean that IAQ should not be given priority because it